“My Profile”
My name is Nutnicha Paopongjun.
I live in Nongyasai District,Suphanburi Province.
I was born 19 December 1999.
I'm 13 years old.
My favorite color is green.
My facebook name's Nutnicha Paopongjun.
I like to eat cake.
Now, I study at Kanchanapisekwitthayalai Suphanburi School.
I study class 2/5.
I am a only daughter.
My family is a small family. But! we can live together happily.
Career of my dreams. Was that I was a pharmacist. This profession is the life I dreamed of since childhood.
This picture is occupation of my dream.
I want to study at Mahidol University of Higher education.
But!, If I'm not a pharmacist. One of my dreams is that I have a dentist.
I think this career. A comfortable career. But the effort to learn. The results of the study at a good level. And I will try to keep my grades at a good level and progress to achieve a very good level.
My Friends ^^
Now I study in class 2/5 generation 18 and right now, I have some cute friends. They make me very happy at the school. They were friends as well as every time.